Welcome To An Object A Day!

This blog will feature unconnected, unplanned objects I find in my house daily. Could be interesting, most likely will not be.

-Lucas Rising-

Thursday 16 June 2011

Hong Kong Concession Card

This is a concession card I have had since late 2004 when I went on holiday with my family to Britain with a stop on the way at Hong Kong. I have no idea where we traveled on the map shown on the back, and I find it curious that there is no expiration date printed on the card (foreign tourist fare evasion?). I'm not sure why I kept it, I only noticed it was on my bookshelf a couple months ago. Of course, now that I've kept it for over 5 years, I might as well keep on keeping it, right? Maybe they've changed the design since and it's now a one of a kind! I'll be rich! Or not...

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