Welcome To An Object A Day!

This blog will feature unconnected, unplanned objects I find in my house daily. Could be interesting, most likely will not be.

-Lucas Rising-

Thursday 16 June 2011

Wilson Tennis Balls

This is a tube of Wilson tennis balls. It originally contained 3 balls but over the years they have weathered away and one has ceased to exist. Or maybe I hit it over the fence.
I received these tennis balls as a gift one year with my Wilson tennis racquet on my 5th or 6th or 7th birthday from my Nanna. As we already had tennis balls, I felt that the fact these were Wilson brand meant they were more valuable. That and the fact that they were a gift, I never used them for fear of knocking them over the fence. When friends came over and we played tennis however, these were the ones they grabbed right away. Thus ends the mystery of the missing third ball!

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