Welcome To An Object A Day!

This blog will feature unconnected, unplanned objects I find in my house daily. Could be interesting, most likely will not be.

-Lucas Rising-

Monday 20 June 2011

Rubber Chicken & Crazy String

Due to the absence of a post yesterday, there will be two objects today. 

This rubber chicken was bought last year for the express purpose of being a prop in a short trailer I did for my character Hucking Filarious's upcoming DVD. The trailer itself can be viewed here. As I always do with films I've done, I have come to dislike that trailer, but the character will possibly resurface someday.

This was bought for me, it might have been 7 years ago for my birthday. But I never got around to using it due to the fact that I probably would have had to clean it up afterwards. As a result, most of the string is still in there. It may be toxic or something so I dare not use it for fear of becoming some kind of stringy mutant. Anybody who wants it can have it.

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