Welcome To An Object A Day!

This blog will feature unconnected, unplanned objects I find in my house daily. Could be interesting, most likely will not be.

-Lucas Rising-

Sunday 17 July 2011

Wall Series - Day 03 and Day 04 - Green Wall and Pink Wall

 It's green. Anything to say, really?

Day 03 - Green Wall
I know it doesn't look a bit like pink, but again, you're going to have to trust me. It's a very pale shade of pink.

Day 04 - Pink Wall

Friday 15 July 2011

Wall Series - Day 02 - Yellow Wall (Middle room)

Considering the time, lighting, shadows and darkness of the yellow paint, this doesn't look particularly yellow. But why would I lie about the colour of a wall?

Day 02 - Yellow Wall (Middle room)

Wall Series - Day 01 - Blue Wall (My bedroom)

In commemoration of Roger Waters performances of The Wall Live coming to Australia next year (next year? Uwaaaaa!?), we here at An Object A Day (meaning me, He Who Must Not Turn Down Donations) bring to your the first of our Wall Series.

Day 01 - Blue Wall (My bedroom)

Thursday 14 July 2011

Donkey Cards and Bedside Lamp

 Some sort of party cracker quality deck of cards. 2 of certain animals and a card explaining rules. Never played with them. How do I know this? All the pairs are in order.
My bedside lamp. It isn't even plugged in because the powerpoint I used to use is occupied. Yet it stays there, hoping I'll plug it in someday. I try not to get its hopes up but it waits for me, sometimes weeping when it thinks I'm looking the other way.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Light Globe

 I used to have a recurring nightmare (one of many) where the light in my room would not work. It would feel like real life and I would walk in my room, flick the switch and the light would not come on. The rest of the dream usually of monsters appearing from the darkness in other rooms as I walked around within the last few seconds of the dream. The happenings in the dream weren't so scary, just the fact that I knew something would come to 'get' me in the end. A few years ago (years after the nightmare had finished) my lightbulb actually had fizzled out. I didn't think it was a dream because of course, in real life you know it's real life. In a dream you only think it's a dream.

Monday 11 July 2011

Glow in the Dark Planets and Stars

 They've been on my bedroom ceiling for as long as I remember. There used to be 2 planets but one seems to be gone now. I also remember then being way brighter than they are when the lights are off these days.
I almost didn't bother adding the glowing image because the quality is so poor and they glow oh so non-brightly. But what the hell, it's the whole point of them, they might as well earn their keep.